Breakaway Daniel triumphs

Daniel Scognamiglio put on a display of audacious attacking and decisive finishing to clinch victory in the Le Col CC January club ride on Saturday morning.

The route, a challenging loop taking in the Hampshire countryside around Kings Worthy, Sparsholt, Romsey, Mottisfont, and Stockbridge, provided the perfect stage for Scognamiglio’s impressive triumph.

Under cold but clear skies, a spirited peloton of Le Col CC riders rolled out from the familiar environs of the Cart and Horses pub in Kings Worthy. The early kilometres were marked by controlled aggression, with several attempts to break clear proving unsuccessful. However, as the group approached Romsey, Scognamiglio, known for his aggressive racing style, saw his opportunity. With a powerful surge, he pried himself free from the bunch, quickly establishing a slender gap.Undeterred by the chasing pack, Scognamiglio put his head down and dug deep.

The rolling Hampshire terrain, with its testing climbs and fast descents, played to his strengths. He maintained a steady tempo, refusing to be reeled in by the chasing group, which, despite concerted efforts, couldn’t bridge the gap.By the time the riders reached Mottisfont, Scognamiglio’s lead was unassailable. He powered on through Stockbridge and back towards Kings Worthy, the finish line in sight.

As he crossed the line, arms raised in celebration, Scognamiglio was greeted by cheers from his fellow club members, who admired his daring breakaway and dominant performance.

Speaking after his victory, Scognamiglio was understandably elated. “I knew today was a good day to make a move,” he said. “The course suited me, and I felt strong from the start. When I got the gap at Romsey, I just focused on pushing hard and maintaining my pace. I’m absolutely thrilled to have won the Le Col CC January club ride – it’s a great way to start the year!”

Scognamiglios victory was a testament to his tactical nous, racing intelligence, and sheer physical strength. He outwitted and outmuscled his rivals, proving himself the deserving champion of the challenging Le Col CC January club ride.

His win will undoubtedly inspire his fellow club members as they tackle the cycling challenges that lie ahead in 2024.So, congratulations to Daniel Scognamiglio on a well-deserved victory! His audacious breakaway and dominant finish have set the bar high for the remaining Le Col CC club rides this year. We can’t wait to see what other stories of grit, determination, and triumph unfold on the roads of Hampshire in the months to come.